Educational Methodology
We teach to create rather than just providing lexical knowledge.
Discover our cooperative, project-based, adaptive, molecular teaching method.
What Makes Our Training Unique?
Let’s look at an example
For a course preparing experts in medical device certification: a site auditor’s main task will be to audit the quality management system of a company, manufacturing medical devices. This involves conducting interviews with employees, checking processes, and gathering information to determine whether the products comply with current regulations.
To prepare participants for this role, we must impart a diverse range of knowledge, including the operation of medical devices and their regulations, certification activities, and compliance procedures. Participants also need to know how to prepare the necessary documents and apply the appropriate communication techniques during audits.
The Hungarian public education system, higher education, and even various adult training courses typically focus on imparting knowledge, particularly factual knowledge, with some application in ideal cases.
The commonly used pedagogical method, frontal teaching, limits both the organizers’ and participants ‘ opportunities.
Moreover, the commonly used pedagogical method, known as frontal teaching, limits both the options available to the instructor and the students. Everyone has encountered this teaching method: the instructor presents the necessary information, tries to provide appropriate explanations, and may give related tasks to students who are physically present in the classroom at the same time. The content of the material “delivered” in the same way for everyone, and all students are expected to progress at the same pace in mastering it.
Using NoBoVersum’s innovative methodology, we elevate learning outcomes from “lexical knowledge, comprehension, and application” to the levels of “analysis, synthesis, and creation.”
This method makes learning more enjoyable for participants, increasing personal motivation, and meets the labour market’s need for employees with practical skills and the right social and other capabilities and attitudes.
Based on the new cooperative, project-based molecular methodology of NoBoVersum, we first identify the tasks that the site auditor will need to perform. Such tasks include, for example, planning audits, evaluating the quality management documentation of the production process, or preparing the audit report.
Then we transform these tasks into practical projects for participants to solve and present collaboratively to expert mentors. An important element of the methodology is encouraging group work where participants tackle tasks together in cooperative teams.
The theoretical knowledge required for these projects is learned individually through digital learning modules available on an e-learning platform, allowing participants to progress at their own pace. This method ensures that participants only spend time learning what they need, verified through online tests that allow them to skip familiar material.
Why Choose Us?
The core principles of NoBoVersum’s new teaching methodology are:
We organize training courses that reflect the real needs of the labour market. At the centre of these are the practical projects that "model" the participant’s future workplace tasks.
We prioritize skill development over mere lexical knowledge transfer.
The basis of our innovative teaching method is adaptability: we do not ignore the fact that participants have different qualifications, skills, and different prior knowledge.
Our new educational method ensures that participants do not waste time on knowledge they already possess! This goal is achieved through the use of so-called synthesizing molecules. These molecules check the related subject area knowledge with a block of questions from an online test. If the participant successfully completes it, based on their prior knowledge, experience, and understanding, they do not need to go through the learning units of the molecule clusters linked to the synthesizing molecule individually. However, if the participant is unable to successfully answer the questions of the synthesizing molecule, the information system will recommend the appropriate molecules needed for passing the test for further progress and learning.
We believe in formative, i.e. continuous assessment built into the learning process! The participants of our trainings thus receive constant feedback on their current performance and do not have to perform in a large end-of-semester competition.
Theoretical content is broken down into small, manageable units called learning molecules, each accompanied by an online quiz for self-assessment that helps to deepen the acquired knowledge.
Learn with Us!
What is cooperative, project-based, adaptive, molecular education?
When compiling our adult education topics, we always start from the premise that practical knowledge is needed in the labour market. These pre-scheduled project assignments are
therefore the core of our courses. Through the project tasks, the participants have to solve various real-life problems, together with approx. In heterogeneous groups of 3-5 people, according to knowledge level and ability.
In this way we develop the cooperation and problem-solving skills of the participants, and they also learn from each other. The project expert, acting as a mentor, continuously supervises and assists the participants’ work: they assign tasks to group members, provide ongoing consultation opportunities, and assess participants’ performance in a formative manner—through continuous feedback integrated into the learning process.
What kind of project tasks should you expect? Anything that regularly arises in the participants’ future job role! For instance, a future site auditor dealing with the compliance of medical devices will certainly have the task of compiling various audit reports. Therefore, it is understandable that such project tasks will be encountered during the course.
The fundamental principle of the adaptive teaching method is that we cannot ignore the fact that participants have different learning abilities, skills, prior knowledge and motivation.
These differences require a learning environment, procedures, teaching materials, and assessment methods that adapt to each participant. Therefore, within the framework of the same course, we do not necessarily teach the same material to every participant.
The essence of the molecular teaching method is that theoretical knowledge is acquired by participants through smaller, digital units called learning molecules, which are flexibly adapted to the individual knowledge and learning pace of the participants via a modern e-learning platform. These smaller learning units, which take only a few minutes each, are easier to fit into the schedule of participants who are completing the course alongside their jobs. Furthermore, the logically sequenced learning molecules help in understanding more complex connections. Each molecule is associated with a practical online test, and the regular use of these tests, based on the latest pedagogical research, aids in integrating knowledge into long-term memory as well as short-term memory.