Online Complaint Submission Platform
NoBoVersum Zrt. Complaint Management Procedure and Policy
- General Guidelines
At NoBoVersum Zrt., both the management and employees strive to ensure that our training and other services fully meet the needs of our clients. Whether it’s training or consultation, our goal remains the same: to provide all the necessary information that may influence your decision to use our services. If you have chosen to work with us, we want to ensure your satisfaction throughout our collaboration. However, despite our best intentions and efforts, there may be instances when you are not entirely satisfied. We encourage you to share any feedback or complaints you may have regarding the information we provide or any issues related to the content or delivery of our services. This will help us improve and correct any mistakes.
- Methods of Submitting Complaints
2.1. Verbal Complaints or Through Participant Satisfaction Surveys
During our training and consultation services, you can address any issues or deficiencies verbally — either in person or over the phone — at any time.
2.2. Online Complaint Submission Platform
NoBoVersum Zrt. Complaint Management Procedure and Policy
"Required" indicates required fields
2.3. Submitting Complaints via Email
You can also send your complaint to us at
3. Complaint Handling Process
Any complaint received from an external party concerning the activities or personnel of NoBoVersum Zrt., including instructors and consultants, must be investigated.
3.1. Handling Verbal Complaints
Verbal complaints must be immediately reviewed and resolved by the Organizer. If the Participant disagrees with the handling of the complaint, or if immediate resolution is not possible, the Organizer is required to draft a Complaint Report (MIR03B) and provide a copy to the Participant. If the complaint is made via phone, the Organizer must send a copy of the Complaint Report to the Participant electronically or by post.
In such cases, the complaint handling will proceed according to the rules for written complaints (see the next section).
If a quick, mutually satisfactory solution cannot be offered due to the nature of the verbal complaint, or if the Participant does not wish to accept the offered solution, the Participant is asked to submit a written complaint, which will then be handled according to the rules for written complaints (see next section).
NoBoVersum Zrt. keeps records of verbal complaints and their subsequent resolutions for five years.
3.2. Handling Written Complaints
3.2.1. Receiving the Complaint
The Training Administrator at NoBoVersum Zrt. must immediately, but no later than the end of the first business day following receipt of the complaint, record the written complaint in its original form on the Complaint Management Form (MIR03A), assigning a unique reference number.
The Training Administrator simultaneously informs the Participant of the receipt of the complaint, the initiation of the complaint management process, and the latest deadline for the resolution. The Participant is also informed that they may request updates on the status of the complaint during the investigation.
The Training Administrator forwards the Complaint Management Form to the Professional Leader responsible for adult education by the end of the first business day after receiving the complaint.
3.2.2. Investigating the Complaint
The Professional Leader for adult education will then investigate the complaint, taking all circumstances into account, and may involve course developers, instructors, or other employees of NoBoVersum Zrt., if necessary. The investigation must be completed within five business days, and the results must be recorded in the Complaint Report (MIR03B), which is forwarded to the Training Manager.
The Professional Leader must detail any corrective or preventive measures proposed in the Complaint Report, or if the complaint is rejected, the reasons for the rejection.
3.2.3. Making a Substantive Decision on the Complaint
The Training Manager then has three business days to make a decision on the recommendations made in the Complaint Report by the Professional Leader.
The finalized Complaint Report is sent to the Training Assistant.
3.2.4. Closing and Documenting the Complaint Management Process
The Training Assistant sends the finalized Complaint Report to the Participant no later than the end of the next business day and informs them of the closure of the complaint management process.
The Training Assistant also informs the Participant of their right to appeal if their complaint was fully or partially rejected, or if the complaint resolution deadline passed without a result.
NoBoVersum Zrt. stores the written complaint, along with all related documentation (Complaint Submission Form, Complaint Report), and the final response for five years.
- Right to Appeal
If the Participant’s complaint is fully or partially rejected, or if the complaint investigation period has passed without a result, the Participant may appeal to the Consumer Protection Department of the Budapest Government Office or may turn to a conciliation board regarding disputes over the quality, safety, or contractual aspects of the service.
- Public Availability of NoBoVersum’s Complaint Management System
The complaint management procedure is available at NoBoVersum Zrt.’s customer service for training inquiries. Upon request, the Organizer will send the document electronically.
The complaint submission form, which is part of the complaint management system, is available in paper or electronic format upon request, and complaints are handled according to the “Complaint Management Procedure and Policy.”
Participants are informed at the beginning of each training about the rules and methods for submitting and handling complaints, as well as which authorities, organizations, or courts they may turn to in case of a dispute. The “Complaint Management Procedure and Policy” is an obligatory appendix to the adult education contracts.
During its complaint management activities, the institution displays its registration number from the Adult Education Register on all documents related to adult education activities and informs its clients and participants accordingly.
- Data Handling and Confidentiality
During the handling of complaints, NoBoVersum Zrt. ensures that the personal data of the complaining Participants is treated confidentially and is only used for the investigation and resolution of the complaint. Participant data is stored and managed in accordance with the relevant data protection laws.
- Continuous Improvement of Complaint Management
NoBoVersum Zrt. regularly analyzes received complaints and their handling processes to better serve Participants in the future. As part of regular self-assessment, we review and further develop our complaint management procedures as necessary.