Institutional Strategy for Quality

NoBoVersum Zrt. was established with the goal of implementing innovative medical training programs that respond to the real needs of the labor market. 

We strive to engage instructors with outstanding professional expertise and years of teaching experience for our courses. Furthermore, we aim to involve representatives of key professional and advocacy organizations in the development of our training programs.

Our commitment to high-quality education and its continuous improvement requires that our instructors and employees — after a proper selection process — are available in a regulated and reliable manner when organizing and conducting courses. The availability of instructors is governed by contracts, and our institution ensures the necessary personnel for the courses based on these agreements. Before announcing any course, NoBoVersum Zrt. staff coordinate with the instructors, and if a suitably qualified instructor is not available for the planned date, the course will not be offered. Any necessary substitutions will only be filled by instructors with appropriate qualifications and experience.

In compliance with the requirements of the current Adult Education Act, our institution ensures its operations through a quality management system specific to its adult education activities. As part of the quality management system, we operate a complaint management system, a telephone customer service system, set indicators related to adult education processes, and continuously evaluate and improve our activities.

Responsibilities of the Institution and Instructors Regarding Quality Management

It is important to us that all employees and subcontractors of the institution perform their work in a manner that reflects their commitment to and responsibility for quality management. Leaders, training staff, and instructors are dedicated to:

  • Establishing mutually beneficial cooperative and business relationships that reflect partner satisfaction, committing to compliance with relevant laws and internal-external regulations.
  • Fully meeting the needs of partners/customers related to adult education and any adult education services provided by the institution.
  • Preserving the institution’s positive reputation and professional standing, thereby ensuring long-term trust from our partners and maintaining the high quality and competitiveness of our services.
  • Constantly reviewing, evaluating, and improving our services and processes, as continuous training of our subcontractors and staff provides a reliable foundation for fully meeting partner needs and expectations.

Involvement of Participants in the Implementation of Quality Management

Our institution consistently, regularly, and consciously involves training participants in the implementation of quality management. To this end, we make our commitment to quality public, have participants evaluate our operations, and use the results of these evaluations for development purposes.

Monitoring, Reviewing, and Revising the Implementation of the Quality Policy

The management of the institution makes its quality policy publicly available to all partners, continuously monitors it, reviews it as part of its self-evaluation, and develops it further as needed.